Adde's Journal |
So, it's been awhile...the last two months have been busy ones. I finished up teaching for the year which included last day field trips and programs, saying goodbye to those darling faces and a wonderful teaching partner, cleaning up the classroom, and bringing piles of things home. I received a gift from my husband, telling me to quit my job. I should have been ecstatic, but I was fearful and not sure it was the right thing to do. I love my little students. Yes, they are trying at times and my patience gets stretched beyond its limits and teaching is exhausting, but there is nothing like those sweet smiling faces greeting me each morning and saying goodbye to me at the end of the day. There is something noble about teaching at Head Start and helping little kids that need it the most. The place is filled with good, dedicated women working for practically nothing. I love them all. But in spite of all that, I wimped out and quit...and I haven't looked back. I've been longing for more time to work on the projects I love. I've got family books I want to write and illustrate, portraits to draw, and abilities to improve before I can do any of it successfully. I needed time and now I have it. Which now brings me to this blog entry's title--Priorities. My mind has been in a muddle. What to do first, when to do it, and how to do it. Clearly I need to prioritize and set goals. I attended a workshop at a Relief Society Stake women's conference where the class leader offered help in goal setting. In two minutes we were asked to write down five lifetime goals, two more minutes to write 5 major goals for the next year, two more minutes to write five major goals if we only had 6 months to live, and then the kicker...write down the ways we have spent time in the last week that related to any of those goals. (The two minute time limit is important). Try it, it is very eyeopening. It is so easy to let the days slip away without accomplishing much. I'm trying harder to get going and get to work.
I was able to attend the "Quick Draw" exhibit at the Santa Clara Town Hall on May 12th. I spent the entire morning watching two artists, Colleen Bleinberger and Julie Rogers. They were both so kind and helpful. I watched Julie splash beautiful colors onto a portrait of a little girl holding a flower. I then went home and made a complete failure of my next portrait attempt with pastels. Discouraged, I picked up my colored pencils and made the little sketch above of my granddaughter, Adde. I felt a little better, but not much. Adde wants to be an artist and she is well on her way. She loves to draw and spends time doing it...and that will make all the difference.
Thou shalt not idle away thy time, neither shalt thou bury thy talent that it may not be known. D&C 60:13
Julie Rogers painting at the "Quick Draw" 5/12/2012 |
I'll miss you, Teacher Patti!