Forever a Student
My latest project |
Summer vacation is over and this teacher didn't go back to teach. It is my turn to be the student again and I'm loving it. I'm meeting with Dilleen Marsh on a weekly basis. She is amazing. When I arrive we sit down and she gives me an inspirational pep talk--and this past week it was exactly what I had been thinking about. I've become somewhat of a Pinterest addict. It is a great ap to find all kinds of beautiful and creative art and design (and recipes), which is helpful to fuel the imagination but on the other hand can also be intimidating. Kind of like when you visit the 'Parade of Homes' and come away with lots of ideas but also knowing you will never own a house like that! It's the same with what I see on Pinterest. I can't imagine ever having the skills that those artists and designers have. Dilleen reminded me that we are put on this earth to learn as much as we can and that includes developing our talents. I may never reach the pinnacle I would like to, but at least I am trying. I am working on it every day. When I tell people I didn't return to work I want to explain that I am still working and hoping to reach those 9,000 hours sooner than I first expected!
Right now my main project is a picture book that I wrote three years ago. It's called "Grandpa and Grandma are going on a Mission." I've finally got the sketches completed and I'm laboring to get it drawn in Adobe Illustrator--meaning that I am learning as I go. I had one class in Illustrator, but there is soooo much to learn. I am hoping to have the illustrations finished in two months, then it is off to the presses. I'm excited about this book and hope it will be loved by the grandchildren of those brave grandparents who leave them for a time to do the Lord's work. My husband and I hope to be able to do that one day--and we know that mission will be a blessing to our family.
Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come. D&C 130:18,19
Thank you! Thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for your example. Thank you for being a great friend!
ReplyDeleteLove u DI. What would I do without you?