Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Art History part one

I always liked to draw.  Growing up in a small Southern Utah town didn't give much opportunity for art instruction. When I was five I  won a giant Easter bunny from the "Miss Nancy" TV program for the drawing I did of same bunny- but the winner was actually drawn from a hat.  I was lucky, but can't really claim that as an artistic prize.  During elementary I got a little attention for being a "good drawer."  I did not take an art class that I remember in Junior High- took Spanish instead.  In High School I was on the journalism staff and drew headlines for the school paper- no time for art class.  So it wasn't until Dixie College that I enrolled in my first beginning drawing class.  The teacher's name was Gene Riggs.  One day when I handed in an assignment of gesture drawings he said my name incredulously, like he couldn't believe what he saw.  That gave me a little confidence boost.  I also took  oil painting and pottery classes--loved pottery, didn't like the oil class.  I guess I felt encouraged enough that I wanted to major in art.  Mom thought I should major in Home Economics like my sister, but I didn't.  I attended one year at Dixie College then transferred to BYU.  I wanted to experience living away from home before my sweetie came home from his LDS mission.  Bravely I entered the art foundation classes.  I would have to pass those with a B- or better to be admitted into the official art majors program.  I was woefully unprepared for those classes.  Every assignment made me cry.  On top of that I had to endure everyone's comments..."You're majoring in art??  How easy!" I did get a B- in the foundations, but I was pretty discouraged about majoring in art.  I went home, graduated from Dixie married my RM and was happily expecting my first child 2 months later.

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